Road trip in to the city...

Funny how it's hard to manage it all even when it's good things continually happens...Life is a bit of letting go of the homestead for awhile and balancing out others like all the great opportunities around the corner...only to circle again and repeat the bliss...I was just sharing with some one yesterday about this....Living the dream isn't only about getting to the point where you've wanted to get to it's about keeping what is good for you your family, home and one loved ones around you.. with mother's day upon us all I'm sure we are in a heart filled moment or to.

Well taking some time today to have a quietness too. it might even be driving down the road way today into the city as I drop off three piece at the Zhou Brothers Art Center for the Midwest Collage Society's big exhibit, Called Off Balance...

I was totally by Elders, Life is about balancing and letting  as I continue that path, go in grace and peace.


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