Still a sicky in the house

It's now the second day the man(husband flu) is down...not good but the body isn't responding the way he wants it to so he's down for another day...been sleeping all day and night..barely eating, hot and cold..  I feel bad for him as of not much I can do besides the norm...even chicken soup taste like cardboard he says...just not wanting to eat...keeping all liquids down which is good though. 

So I've been cranking the creative juices and feeling it too.  I'm grateful I've come this far. Now today I start the assemblage of presentation as of mats on and some in frames with wire and backing paper.. I need to spend a bit of time though cleaning up and do a quick sweep or better yet bring my Animal Vacuum cleaner up and give it the once over then the extra dust and stuff will be picked up so I won't have Sophie, Hank and Carl hair in there between the mat and class...very tacky to present that...big turn off when people see that so trying to put my best foot forward before hand..

I would like to take a walk though first but may wait till mid day for that.  I honestly feel like I'm blowing off all thougths and planning for thanksgiving dinner as these days prior to the dinner I'm anxiously thinking and acting on that and cleaning up the homestead...well this year's a bit different...the thought for a moment and I do mean a moment comes in and says..."what are you doing?" and then it leaves as I get back to my game plan-preparing for OOaK show and check another thing off the list for preparing for this all. 

If I can keep telling myself things, events and people all have a way of working themselves out to that settled state...I'm doing good. So with that I'm tending to the body with a bit of breakfast and then throw a load of laundry in and head to the studio with the Animal and start...


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