Letting go of it all

The main goal was to not be thinking about the troubles this pass weekend with the 30 ladies.  Well I think we did that, though there were some spots we had to be flexible about we were still able to create some nice little collages.  Working with a larger group  has it's challenges and we hit them...as of blow a fuse with the over load of hair dryer usage..and a bit of over usage of the gesso going on a bit thick.  There was a little bit of  time needs to be added in for listening and catching up with everyone...as of having to calm the women down when their doing what they do so well...sharing, talking and healing with each other.. We/Carole and I had to cut out a few steps in the workshops so we had time to at lest come to a completion with collages.   Everyone went to lunch and Carole and I finished up and I cut the tape off the collages and they were just excited to see the finished pieces.  And though things didn't work out the way we might have wanted them to I'm sure the ladies didn't think about their trying times.. Instead they came back from Lunch and ask that if I lived so close could I come back for the evening and they could have around at it....I might have if I didn't have things already picked up..

All in all was a wonderful experience to see this woman and what they are going through that the love is so strong in them. And there ability to care for each other...Hugs were handed out freely around there and I took them as much as I got them and passed them on..


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