For the life of me I couldn't figure it out...

7 x 9 Coptic stitched journal, handmade papers,
stamps and a bit of gel pen,  6 signatures( section of paper group together, which in this case is 5 page per segnature.) gift for a dear person in the family...

I end up being my own worst enemy when it come to technology...and my family will admit it...I'm such a dork...I keep having problems with my computer yesterday while the snow storm was making it's way through and just was about ready to pull the plug on it when it dawned on me, it always acts up when I keep my camera card in there and forget to pull it out... well wouldn't ya know it that's just what I did...and it really messes things I laugh at myself again and again and tell the story to the husband when he got home..I really wasted hours away trying to figure it out on my own...and well I did, but gosh do I have to do that to myself all the time... serious there is a problem...hahaha. 

 my other time of the day journal....

three pages full spread, or a good 10 minutes of free flow writing..

Yesterday I had a moment that blow me away an I would like to share it...You see back to the self help stuff I told ya I finished the one book Four Words Self Help and now I started yesterday at lunch reading the Life is a Verb.  Patti asks you to do 10 minutes of free writing...well that comes easy to me as long as I don't have to reread it but your suppose to.. "Your to pull out the hot spot" so I pulled out my anytime journal, the one that I write in other times during the day.  I have to say I really delight in this when I open the pages and see the colors and textures and the cut ways that I've done before...makes me feel good inside...( I've been making this journals up now or about three years but just this past year I really ended up making about 6 of them well made them up and finished them off by filling them with words on each page.) back to that 10 minutes of writing...(my drama on the page as Julia Cameron calls it.) I had received an email from a on line artist friend about the wonderful things she is doing and what is ahead for her...( great marketing) and I was flooded with comparing, envy, and the doubts and the big I'm not doing enough...I need to do more... well I thought about where and what she is doing and major traveling to Italy etc...and at the point I realized Italy really doesn't excite me...oh it's beautiful but traveling there isn't my bag or directions...then the words came out on the page...."Laura there is a plan for you too...and yours is special and will fit you....The major emotional trash that was at the beginning of the writing just vanished from my thoughts, heart and I wished off the page but that wouldn't be right...the writing for me is my form of working through things... well I'll see where this all leads me.  An afternoon of free flow writing might be in order each day...I like that..your suppose to set a time and if you go over so be it... I honesty don't know how long the honest trust of this understand I have now will go but it sure is real and it's been an area and baggage that I've carried around for way to long...time to lighten the load...and Live the dream of life... I want to apologies for sharing the dirty laundry about myself but I wouldn't be me if I didn't...I'm sure most creative souls go through bouys of this..  but some have a better mask they wear...or protective as usually I ramble about the mundane stuff and forge through the crap and come out on the other side really OK...


  1. Sounds like some good reading material!


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