Sweep/mop/swift and marketing

This morning I woke up from not a good nights sleep...it's been awhile since I had one.  Still trying to work with my husband new work schedule and when he comes home etc. Our systems our out of balance.

Yesterday I was informed of some student number of my classes coming up for the new year, Jan 2019.  And as I well know it's always a fishing trip with this part of the art career...one never knows if they will hook any fish and swim in a school or not....or just have to pack up and call it a day.  I'm not crying pour me, just stating some raw feelings about stuff.

With this information...I chose to put on the marketing face.  I spent three hours designing some quick photo like jpgs with the information of the classes I have coming up that I drop and plug into the social media realm.   I felt pretty good afterwards...small little creation sent out into the world...though I many not be doing that correctly because just when you understand the format of the social media it changes. Oh those darn feelings of not enough or not doing correctly. No I don't have a perfectionism problem....do I?

Now this morning I'm feeling a bit dirty, market whore, something I'm not...but have turned into for the sake of my business.  Detaching from this marketing face is a hard thing to do when you've spent hours on it. The long on the computer the less I feel human.  (and I'm blogging about it now...shit still on the computer)

Talk recently with another artist came up about feeling like phonies...No not ponies...phonies -fakes at what we do.   I shared with her it's normal...I've heard this and read this about creative types...the question about who and what we do and how it's valued...what I'm learning is how it's valued by us ourselves....The ego/critic wants to call out market whore!!! but that's a Brene' Brown bit Fat, "Bullshit" lie  Right?  I need the woods right about now!

So that had me on a little google search...this is always fun because what you type in you find out your not the only one that thinks like that..."I'm not alone with my thoughts?"  Yes that is true and comforting.   I googled "feeling ugly after an artist markets moment"...I got Marie Forleo's Video/website...check it out Here    I remember a while back seeing this and thinking it was good then.   Needing a reboot here...

From Maria Forleo's website...

Today’s challenge is super important and should take you less than 15 seconds. I really want to see you take action on this one.
Name at least 3 specific ways your work makes a positive impact on others. If you’ve got more than that, keep going.
Now it doesn’t matter what level you’re at in your business or life — or what you do for a living.
Because even if you think you’ve got this “valuing what you do” thing handled, I’d bet that there’s a next level waiting for you.
And really owning your worth and its positive impact on others, especially if you’re an artist or creative, is a key part of that equation.

 Most importantly, owning the value you offer the world creates a powerful ripple effect around you.

You do better work, earn more, have more resources to take care of the people and things you care about, and become a living demonstration of what’s possible for all of us.
No matter what you create or sell, you’ll learn how to better position and market your work.

So in my morning pages I'll be writing about this and pondering/obsessing it with a better attitude and hopefully not feel so dirty...Oh that's right just swifter that all away...Going to do some self care and head to the woods. The wild woman needs to connect to the earth...but far away with this season of holidays. 


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