Collage sketch to Canvas....

While up at Dillman's this past June I worked with student in a sketchbook and we made many sketches. This one was a quick one with the left over papers I had from the others I did and I wanted to use them up.  

Blue Green Ship lap,  
24 x 24 
collage on canvas,  

I've been making papers for this for about a month..slowly and also using papers from past collages.  I like this piece for where it pushed me as an artist.  This is another piece for my House/Home series.  It's's not sitting as we would expect it to be. It's different for sure.  My husband shared that he's not to sure about this one...but ....and that was it.  I don't make art these days for other approval.  Though it's nice when they get I'm making art for something bigger...And when I work in a series I find it's good to take risks and expand in some unknown areas.  Because when the exhibit goes up and you see the work together you will witness a process. Well that is what I hope will be's what is happening in real life with it all. 


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