poor sweet grass crop...maple leaves

Well my crop of sweet grass is going to need my help...Gracie has claimed it her spot to sit and roll in. Hank enjoyed to eat now and then.... The husband asked me why do I have the white little metal fences in the yard all the time in the years past...well this is why, when we had Louie (cho.lab.) and Butch(blonde lab.) ..the need to lay in the plants was a must. Might need to put up something...it will only get worse if I let it.

Now I have a question Last year the Maple leaves drop the from the trees with a fungus called Tar Spots..and you were not to mulch it in to you yards...so I raked a lot during the fall season but this year the seed pods fell-helicopters, and the young leaves are dropping...so odd? Where's Google to ask. All the leaves that have fallen off seem to have a fungus them....

There's a Midwest Collage Society meeting today and working with Gelli Plates...might go today depends if I get my second drum together...I've got to punch holds in the deer hide and don't want to wake the family to early.


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