Before lessons

 Yesterday before I went to take my second lesson in Horseback riding I was when I get like that I have to DO something so I was asked to make a guest book for our Midwest Collage Society Group Opening Reception this coming Sunday.  I said sure...the mind started it's creative process and words started flying out my mouth and Nancy was probably thinking What?

 So the Green Guest book was mind from my first solo show at LaGrange Art League...Wow that brought back some remembers...some 18 years ago. I won't bore you with that so here is what I worked out.  Printed the sign in sheets from paper I got when Alice and Jim Chin had there place at Artful Gatherings in Lemont...some nice paper indeed.  Lokta bark fibers from high Himalayan Foothills of Nepal and the outside paper are my own handmade paper.

Not sure if I should stitch it with the stab style of book binding or use the posts there because then we can add more papers in there...I leaning toward the stab binding and when it get full some or myself can make a new one.  

OK as I move slowly and feel the muscles I've not used in a long time I will be dropping off art at the Lisle Library and heading back home to finish this up.


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