making sweeter what was already there,"flawed beauty"

The Art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them-Bernard M. Baruch.

Mistakes are the portals of discovery-James Joyce

I realized long ago for me to learning something, to understand it and comprehend it to it's fullest I have to come at it from all directions.  So I highlight the sentences on my kindle of the books I'm reading and then I reread them and then like drilling it in even more I need to type it out...something about the hands needing to touch to get the just of it all. So I continue on my own path of understand and sharing.

Like Sugar from the Sun, The way of Wabi Sabi honors the quirks, the oddities , the humble, the unconventional... It celebrates the perfectly imperfect uniqueness of you and me and everything.

Taro Gold's Grandmother, Obaa-san shared..."Life is perfectly imperfect," When you embrace the whole of your life and recognize the value of every aspect, including the mishaps and flaw, then the very imperfections that once diminished your happiness can become sourced of insight and strength.

"Wabi-Sabi shares its history and development with certain customs and forms of Japanese Buddhism," itself, however is not a religion or even Buddhist concept. From the spiritual perspective, Wabi Sabi is a universal ideal that can be easily adapted to any religious or philosophical background.

A key aspect of living Wabi Sabi is individuality and uniqueness. Practice what every religion or philosophy best suits you, or practice no religion at all and wabi sabi can still enhance your life."

Most important thing is to develop your own inner character and contribute goodness to the world.

What every path you choose, "follow it with all your heart."

If it's not an religion then how does it fit into people's lifes, Taro ask he's Grandmother, Obaa-san
It is simple, Anyone can benefit from the ideals of Wabi-Sabi, just as any kind of fruit becomes sweeter from the rays of the sun. The sun doesn't add sugar; the sugar is already in the fruit. The sun only helps reveal it. In this way, your philosophy of life is like the fruit, and Wabi Sabi is like the sun making sweeter what was already there."

Wabi Sabi encourage balance through out every aspect of life. Our spiritual experience are Wabi...The material aspect of our lives is Sabi.

Wabi Sabi celebrates the beauty and allure of imperfection: the cozy familiarity of a worn-out pari of jeans, the rustic elegance of an old Italian villa, the faded splendor of well-used china handed down from your grandmother's attic.

Wabi Sabi expresses universal sensibility.... it's message can be easily adapted to any religious or cultural background.

Narrow view Wabi Sabi fosters a bohemian sense of beauty that celebrates the basic, the unique, and the imperfect. In the wider sense, Wabi Sabi is a worldview that supports ecocentric living and compassionate humanism.

In Chinese characters - Wabi represents inner, or spiritual, experiences of our lives. It's original meaning indicated an "empty," "lonely," or "basic" state.  Sabi represents the outer or material, aspect of live. Originally it meant "worn,"  "Weathered," or "Decayed"

Around 700 years ago, the humble Wabi Sabi image of "emptiness" and "imperfection" began to take on a distinctly more enlightened tone.   Understanding emptiness was considered the most effective means to spiritual awakening, while embracing imperfection was honored as a healthy reminder to cherish our unpolished selves, here and now, just as we are-the first step to satori, or enlightenment.

In today's japan, the meaning of Wabi Sabi is often condensed to "wisdom in natural simplicity." In art books, it is typically defined as "flawed beauty.

Now off to create, to breathe this in from the fingers to the center core and out again only to create that flawed beauty.



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