Slipped in an artist date and a quick run away.

My walk today after I had to go to Osio-Brown's to pick up a CD of an image I need to submit.  I stopped and sat on the log for a while and watched the flow of the water...very calming. The water fall sound is come from a man made water fall I didn't show it just need to be with nature at this time.

My walks here at Fullersburg woods always leads me back to this section.

 This is the North west side up on hill in off the regular path, I've seen huge bucks in there and also witness a great horned owl one time fly smoothly across the back ground.

So I come to the woods feeling a bit goofy with thought and somewhat tied up...perfect picture don't you think?

 As I'm walking I'm thinking of all the junk I seem to carry around in my head...time to let go of it and start fresh I tell myself then I see this pile of discard metal...rusty...not that I like this here in the woods but as I'm thinking and venturing off the path... I think it's a bit to much of a connections

 Image of the water flowing around the bend.

 A bit of inspiration from a long log laying there with no bark but the beetle marks are interesting.

 And the bridge time to cross back over and head home. 

 Again as in many people lives there is change and what direction should one take?  it is just one path we should all follow?  Will this be the right path for me? 

And then I turn and I'm confronted with these arrow...right away I say to myself now that's an creative way to look at which way to go, I think I will give this a try.  



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