A bit of fun yesterday

 I had a million and one things going on yesterday and I checked everything off my list..well the journal making only got the signature folded but not stitched for the Coptic stitch journals I make.. so I'll be working on that the next few days.  Running low on pages to write with in the morning.

I ended up with a little extra time to do some walking around Clarendon Hills shops. I walked by and empty store front and I was quickly drawn to peek in and see that the floors were fake wood, but looked nice and the walls were white with some pedestals and a really nice half round counter in the back of the space...Wow that would make for a nice gallery spot...but not for 2400.00 a month rent...just a bit to hard to sell the art that fast to make a month fee like that. 

I continued to the resale shop didn't find anything in there but chatted with the store clerk. Nice lady and then went across the street to the English Gardener purchased the blue butterfly, though it's fake I just love the way it moves...you plug it in and the wings ever so gently will open and close.."it had me," hooked me in..while I was watching the display...so I looked to see the ones they had available and got the blue one...From the rain forests of Australia.

I went into the next store and was amazed at the window display of these books that pages were folded. Some what like the reader digest my mom would fold, like a evergreen and spray paint them for Christmas time. I had my little list with me and always a pen in my pocket of my jacket I quickly sketched the things I saw that attracted me...I redrew them when I got home to slip in to my other sketch book..or I might even glue them down...Any ways the store clerk was a bit worry that I was another store owner snipping on her store..and taking her ideas.   Well, I'm not a store owner and I was capture this little ideas for whatever I don't know yet but they caught my eye and I'm praciticing sketch quickly and letting go of the perfection and just doing it...

I'll be heading out this morning which I'm excited about, as I'm going to check out a place in Crystal Lakes,  Creative Artistry School of Fine Art.   I'm going to see if their a fit for me to present a workshop at and their going to see if I'm a good fit for them to teach a workshop...Interview today!
What's funny is I'm not scared about this like some might think one would be for an interview...more so I'm looking for a spot that would be able to house the space I need...Once I've got the space... look out I'll present a kick ass workshop for them...Well I sound full of myself don't I...but no really it's where I thrive is in the class room setting or in a studio...

I've not heard back for the Lake Geneva Art place ...hmm I think they forgot to send photo's and it's only open on the weekends hard to drop in and see the place.

So now off to get ready for the road trip...leaving way to early but we've got some snow on the ground and more coming down and the temp is to drop this afternoon so best allow time for the travel...I'll bring something to read..which I have a pile of "to - read" kind of stuff that I dont' have time for usually but want to...slow reader...


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