A moth outside my bedroom window

Moth in the House, 
24 x 24 Collage on Canvas

My sleep patterns are always a bit wonky, I'm tossing and turn or I'm up to go to the bathroom.  I've reached that age.  When I was turning over I caught a glimpse of a moth, a good inch I would say at our second floor window. The last time I had an experience with a moth it was when my husband and I were going though a rough patch with his job and life. Not us personal but it did effect us deeply. 
Because I'm in belief that if you share your problem it becomes half the problem and it's all ready has been proven that with a new life situation. My husband mother is 84 and she's independent but as of recently she is not. There's more to the story but as you know that's for another day.  She is going blind and that's a big transformation for her and us her adult children.  So we are moving into elder care process.  Talking to our neighbors over the fence sharing our situation there is so many resources out there that can help her stay at home as long as she can.  
This is called a Trust Walk, and a Journey of Spiritual Growth.  
With all this news and beginning transition we, Randy and I watch Father Stu...that was Good. Hard at first but so tearful and heart tugging in the end.   
Life's bitter sweets...are always around for us to seek, connect and be grateful. 

Dark and Light co-create. 



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