Still Moments

In the void we live, 
8 x 8 
Sold some time ago, but still remember creating it and the importance of it's meaning. 

 "Still Moments,  I could use a stronger spiritual life. While I have my beliefs and religious practices, it's easy to forget them with the stresses of caregiving. But I haven't got time to sit and pray all day. Still, I want my spiritual life to permeate every action in my life. One way to keep on track is to take advantage of still moments during the day. When I'm put on hold on the telephone, when I'm in line for a cashier or a freeway entrance, when commercials come on-anytime I'm asked to "wait" during the day is an opportunity for a still moment. It's my chance to focus inward, take a deep breath, dip into the still center of my being, and connect with my spiritual resources. I call to mind a brief prayer, an inspiring message, a line from a song, or a rejuvenating image, or simply absorb the stillness-anything that re-grounds me in my beliefs and reminds me that all is well. I stop for still moments throughout my day. 

From the mediation book, Comfort for Caregivers, Pat Samples

We are also between eclipse which things could be a bit emotional and wobbly they say...Transformational times are upon us with the seasonal changes even the animals know this.  In my morning pages this morning the uncertain gave way to gratitude for the present moment of this day.  I asked myself, "Can this day be Spiritual?"  I do have a choice about how I see, think and feel which has a gentler approach when I bring in my Greater Spirit,  GPS...Greater Power in Spirit.  

The voids are moments to breath and stand in.  All is well and just having a good contemplative graceful entry to the day.  


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