Sunday Retreat-Living my Truth

Life has come to more solute these day, I thought I was always running away but what I was doing is returning back to me.  Yes withdrawing from others which is always a tough spot, because I want to be around others too.  I chat about this with my oldest daughter often and even my husband.  The moment away to contemplate and think for myself is highly needed. 

Is this something in most humans or just in Creatives? 

This morning in my space I sit comfortable writing my morning pages and Gracie, gal she welcome the ease of the morning too.  Working with the artist way it has me connecting in ways that seem so natural. Could be because Julia Cameron words and approach has been with me over half of my life.  All of my career as a Collage artist for sure.  

Week Two

Recovering a Sense of Identity

 Drawing New Boundaries and Staking out new Territories

Going Sane

It is like pulling free from the muddy muck and becoming unstuck. The Ebb and flows, the sense of strength and self-doubt are all normal. Watch out, don’t buy into the self-doubters though they can make you remain stuck and in the victimized role. Avoid that First Think!  And don’t let self-doubt turn into self-sabotage.  

So back to the quote above, that spiritual deadness is something I don't want to fall into.  Little did I  know as I think back to when I was little all the times of looking out the windows, or swing on the swing for hours I was connecting.  The time I was little and venture out in the cow pasture,  I think I was about 7 or 8 walking among the cows(watching out for the pies...hahaha) I came upon the grove of pine trees.  Walking in between them something happened.  I felt it at such a young age.  The spirit in life was there and move me with the sounds from the way then wind went through the pine needles.  I will never forget it because that was also a risk to walk alone and venture out there...I don't think my parents knew I had wander like that and I've share this before in circles and with friends but not to my parents.  It wasn't a bad thing at all and I really wasn't in harms way walking among the cows they were used to people being around them as they were dairy cows and someone was always touching them and be present in close quarters.  

Why would I be sharing this?  Because I'm remind of my own thoughts of the presence of a Greater Spirit in my life.  Another quote I have that helps one understand about solitude.  

There is an interesting thing that I realize I like to have special spaces, places to retreat to and like the outdoor living space you see above I have them kind all over the house.  I work out of my house and I retreat to this space to recharge or reset. And on the other side of the coin I so love to have loving deep conversation about just this thing, this way of living with others and how special it is for our wellbeing.  Others many need material things more so but spiritual spaces are just as important to me.  
Morning reflections, allow the ebb and flow of life to be your guide...I try hard but continue to stumble but that's Ok I my life to keep trying to move with grace. 



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