And they Trusted me

Here we are adding some last minute embellishment to the papers before we coat them and let them dry. 

A tape a-thon going on, we are taping all our watercolor substrates so they will be ready for us when we need it. 

Creating a small 6 x 6 with all the steps we will be doing in the 6 x 12 landscapes, getting use to working through all the steps. 

The Abstract begin and keep on coming, These ladies hung in there with me and we made it to this point and artwork was popping up left and right. 

Show and tell was going on for a good few minutes before we sadly had to start cleaning up and ending our time together in the workshop. Thanks for all the ladies that took the workshop and even wearing the masks. We took some breaks and had lunch out side. Which by the way were huge and delicious.  We love our cookies!  Thank you everyone for coming to the workshop. And thank you to The Clearing for having it during these times. 



  1. Wonderful work! It looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your welcome Laura, it was a highly creative intense workshop and I truly believe they were amazed at what the made.


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