Words of inspiration and inner knowing.

 Seeing her Sweet face, brings comfort........

My Horoscope this morning....my last card on my vision board....

You may be feeling positive about the outcome of your projects, which may put you in an optimistic frame of mind today. The confidence you have in your abilities could motivate you to put your best effort into your projects. Keeping in mind that it is your thoughts today that contribute to the success of your endeavors can help you remain positive and hopeful about what you can achieve. Should you notice any negative thoughts, perhaps you can just let them pass by, acknowledging that they are there but not listening to what they have to say. You might notice that if you simply let your unconstructive thoughts flow by instead of fighting them it will be easier to focus your attention on the ideas that are the most useful for you.

Cultivating constructive thoughts allows us to bring about success in our lives. If we become open to what possibilities the future can hold for us, we will begin to see how important our outlook is. When we view our potential as unlimited, we realize how much we can achieve, for we not only boost our confidence, but we also send our positive mental energy out into the universe, which is important, for the thoughts we send out often come back to us in one way or another. By focusing on what you can do today, you will send a message of hope into the universe, bringing your dreams closer to becoming a reality.

Personal thoughts this morning, 
I was swaying to the left last night and some this morning....as of feeling hopeless, sad and defeated.  Seeking some kind of change with a my husband fever....it now going on 6 days of up and down...major aches and pains. Can barely get out of bed.   I have keep my face on "Nurse Nancy"  but it was slipping off.  I had to let down a bit, and release my own sorrow over witnessing some you love being so sick.  

Now after a few cups of coffee and some pages under my belt I was getting intuitive nudges to just be sit still, allow it to flow over. That would be my own emotions.  
I remember sharing the experience of falling apart that it was OK to do that as long as you pick yourself back up and use what is needed and discard the rest.  

I'm on Week 9 of Walking in this World...guess what, it's about discovering a sense of resiliency.  That's one of my better qualities.  Can I say my default...going into the Beginning Again mode.   

Discovering a Sense of Resiliency

This week dismantles the myth of artist

As superhero. No artist is immune to negative

Emotions. The key to surviving such emotions is

Accepting them as necessary, and known and

Expectable part of the creative trails. The readings

And tasks of this week invite a sense of compassion

For the difficulties of our elected creative journey.

As the week focuses on the inner trails faced by

Artists, it assures us that while the dark night of the

Soul comes to all of us, by accepting this we are

Able to move through it. 

My last thoughts before I decided to self express with words here on the blog was areas of traumatic changes in the world...how Nature always comes through and back.  I'm looking for signs, symbols and serenity.  But I still have to do the hard stuff first, I have to show up to life again and again.  I can do this. 

Because I'm going to allow the wind to be the guide and thoughts to flow.  


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