Field mouse to stacking rocks....

This little fella or gal was in the back yard as I was tending to the pooh detail....I thought it was a piect to pick up...till I got closer. 

 Gracie didn't get a nose full of its scent yet....but  Hank and Gracie were sure walking around and almost stepped on it.. 

Her intensity on the scent of this little thing.. I had to grab her and drag her in... you can see it in her eye...and then Randy let her back out and she went right to it and grabbed it in her the point I freaked out because the little thing might have been sick or poisoned to be sitting there and afraid of us and munching on the grass seed or I got it sick with the blue colored coated grass seed....
I then had to look up the meaning of the mouse....I go deep and question the presence of this little creature in my life...what message is it bringing me. 

 Later in the afternoon I was off using my projector to enlarge the stacking rock formation I'd done over the years.  I'm feel that the rock formation will be all long the bottom of the tipi...

The journey begins...wrapped up and attached my little dolly so I can bring in to the place that I'm going to lay it all the way out and trace the images so I can bring it home and paint there...this will be along process.


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