Morning Collage Meditation

This morning I woke up to my pages and journal wrote...this and that...random rants...and so much gratitude. I've been letting things sit for a while...but my heart wants to play around with the shape of the house. 

A square on the bottom and a triangle on top...tall, fat, thin, one or many...So here's a quick little ditty. 

 The weather was so wonderful yesterday for Earth Day. The husband spent it outside digging and turning over and area that was a garden then wasn't and now will be again.  He could have used the little rototiller but decided to do it by hand with a shovel. Meditative that way.  The dogs spent most of the day outside barking at everything. 

In the morning yesterday I pick the rock that said Namaste, a respective greeting. Or it means, "I bow to the God within you," 

Well seeing this rock I went right to yoga thoughts. I've not done yoga in a few to many weeks ago. So Now that the tipi up I brought my lap top out there with my little beginners DVD and did yoga. To my amazement I was able to do all the moves and quite well at that. It felt so good to even do the tree pose. Balance...seeking the inner balance in myself to the outside world is so important these days.  

Well Life is offering us another beautiful get a move on it, 


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