Back at the Homestead....

 Jill S. snapped a nice picture of Frances and I....

 I came home to a gift....I think I mentioned that some day I would like to have a Moon Shell....Well my Mentor gifted me with one. Thank you Carol, when I look at that it makes me feel so spiritual close and connected to the awe inspiring creator.  bonus...paper, ribbon and a smooth stone.

And I received a gift from one of the students, Frances, A felted Studio Spirit...this is so cool and a quilted card.  Love the machine stitch in there.

The green around my home has grown so much in a week's time truly amazing. Along with the growth is the weeds and well I'll be fitting some of that in the next couple of weeks.

My time up at Dillman's Creative Art Workshops are really the best. I get to have time away from the business and distractions that are around me, not that they are all bad, it's just hard to block them out. When your away though you can't tend or be distracted as easily. So I have time to also reflection on my life and where I'm at in it all. I've been also fortunate to be with a group of women year after year with other women joining us each year. Which is wonderful, and not to be weird about it but I do question why would those women keep coming back?  but I know for me I keep coming back and trying to create with what is already there on the grounds of Dillman's is a safe environment to create and explore one's creative side.  There was a gal that was taking the other watercolor workshop and she was asking why isn't there places like this in Illinois... Which is a awesome question.  Lots of work and $ to get one going but it would be successful I'm sure...I think traveling up North just lends itself to the mystery of it all. I know I do love the feeling when I really get out of the hustle and bustle of it all and see more green spaces, lakes and farms then anything else.

Well time today will be easy going as I tend to putting my art materials and supplies I bring up with is I really being a lot of supplies and well life is short and if you can do so...

One thing is I'm really grateful for having a mentor as their were some issue I need to sort out before I head up to the workshop, I know I need to be in a place of balance and center and peace and I was able to do that and it showed me and presented many opportunities to see all the good emotional work before hand paid off greatly.


  1. A nice post!
    It is great to have a mentor, and people who support you! What special cards and gift( :

  2. What a dear friend...glad you got your moon shell.

  3. Oh my gosh Jo, it's like a diamond to very beautiful and natural.


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