Getting to the Center of it

I signed up to receive different emails from places and this is one place I so enjoy hear what she has to say...she's great...I've read her one book The Gift of Imperfection three times and Daring Great once...ready for another around soon.. I can so relate to her realness if I can call it that. No funny stuff just simple and to the point. She has us looking at ourselves in a way that we can help ourselves as an human race change to be better which can only effect the next generation to come...if we would only get it!  me included...the still small but large voice of not being good enough or not doing it right...gosh I have to admit it's something I would like to shake off and stop doing...I'm getting better at it where I can kind of stop it and put it in it's place but there when I'm not feeling emotional well with myself I loose it and fall in to the pit of not good enough...Darn as she say admit that to the blogger world..Yes I can..and as she shares being in the place of vulnerability I can then be open and ready for the next part of my day or life.. My truer self and creative being.  As she says "Wholeheartedness"  or as Julia Cameron says, "being a full time person in your life"

Well got some Christmas packages to wrap and ship out today and then tending to my own body and soul, trying to say on the right course with that keep numbing the bageezeous (did I spell that right) out of myself with food these days.....and if all goes well I'll be in the studio this afternoon.

If you have a moment listen to what she has to really makes sense. 20 minutes, I know it's long time but have a cup of tea while the video is playing and take a break.


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