Walking through it all....

Some different kind of stuff has been happening lately in my real life that has me wanting to run and hide out in a place far far away....I'm questioning what's it all about? why now? and what am to be learning from this..

time and time again I get involved in something and I want to slap myself silly about it, cause I keep getting hurt...but I kind continue to do it for a bigger purpose and others do want to be involved cause they see the bigger picture and purpose too... or they wouldn't get involved from the start. 

but there are a few that though their minds are in the right place, they forgot the heart that keeps in pumping  the brilliant mind of theirs.

so I know there's a bigger plan for this all and my lesson is... don't take it personal and if it feels like a brick wall then good...Climb it! and lead from the heart.

So I walk through it and will come out on the other side OK and with a bigger understand of people and all involved.

I choice areas in my life to do some service work and because I'm an artist I try to stick to areas that I know and understand but soon I will have to pass all this on and pick up a totally different area to do my service work because I'm just not liking the pit holes I continually fall in to when I do that kind of work with certain types of people.. I have choices and will seek a bit of guidance next time..

When stuff and things happens sad, good or even when I'm angry I am so blessed that I have my art to turn to help me get through it all.. I've been working on my big clay board panel and toying around with some ideas for the last one of the Art Diary piece this year for the 4Artinc exhibit.   The theme is Conquer...taking a totally different directions...Mine  will be about conquering the paper work...

Also I need to get my butt moving on submitting to the Adornment show they extended it and I wanted to find out what the drop off date was because I wasn't sure about submitting some piece unless I know what the date was... need to get may act together today..

And I've been working on my cover for the MY M journal project...just spreading it all over the place.. which is all good... Sat and bound a new journal together last night too, I always enjoy the coptic stitch used for binding books... My love of holding a journal is growing larger these days... well....Walking through it and with grace...


  1. Hang in there, Laura. What you do is blessing others -- even if they don't know how to communicate it.

  2. Life lessons, we never ask for them, they're just there when we need to consider their answers to move forward. Great spirit!

  3. Keep walking the red path dearest one. And know that you inspire those you encounter.


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