flying by...that is the days... and trying to keep a balance of it all.

I'm so grateful for the fullness of the days activities.  I have to stop and take some deep breathes to really savor all that is going on... Yesterday I had moment to visit a dear friend that stops in from North Carolina and we had about an hour and half together but it was so inspiring to be there.  I had started the day with a bit of imbalance because of the hormones and keep moving on despite it as of "I hear in my head, Own this menopause stuff and that's what I best I could.  So showed up for our visit and just stayed in the moment and didn't think about what was going on internally. (furnace heating up and a cause of the sluggsville)

My friend lost her husband about two years ago and has found by the grace of all living things a dear man. And she has a wonderful aura happening around her that is really noticeable. Before I knew it, the time flew by and we both had to leave, her to catch her flight and me to do what I do lately...that is drop off artwork. We hugged and as I walked to my vehicle I seen this other woman walking up to me smiling and really looking at me...I thought? hmm she looks familiar, so I said,"Hi" and she responded with, " You have the most beautiful smile,"  I was in awe by that and said, "thank you"
Got in my vehicle and reflected quickly about what just happened...I was feeling like a slug and flashing and fighting the urge to go hide. Said a little diddy like, OK there's a Plan for this day and off I went and Look what plan I received... Still feeling a bit out of balance I forge on and I can only say how special a visit with a good friend can be and putting yourself in the moment and letting all else go what the key for the plan that happened. 

Now today...time to get physical and get the display panels out and all the art fair regalia Because this weekend is Art in the Park...never done this fair before and rain is a for sure things so that means I get the heavy duty tent ready...

Might I see you there?



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